Before setting off, we had some preconceptions about what it would be like living in a van in a foreign country. Some were confirmed, some weren't, and there were some surprises.
I mean, we're obviously both gringoes, but we had hoped that the older, local van with Chilean plates would help us blend in. It turns out that everywhere we want to go, other #vanlifers want to go....everyone knows this is a camper.
You live in your mudroom, and drying things takes space you don't have!
Like a parking site with both water and electricity, or a good wifi connection you can pick up from the street.
In a house, you might go grocery shopping once or twice a week. In a van, with little storage space and even less refrigeration, it's more like once a day. You have to clean up every day, and good organization is everything.
What's my battery level at? I should park in the sun to keep the panels going. How much clean water do I have? How long have I been doing dishes? Don't want the gray water to overflow In a city: make sure to go to the bathroom after dinner or while shopping, since there aren't any public facilities around.